Welcome to the
Spanish Intensive!
**Make sure to watch the video below**
We are so happy to have you as a student in the Fall Intensive course! I can't wait to see the progress that you make by the end of the year.
There's a lot of things going on and quite a bit of material so this email is to give you all the instructions you need to get started with the week 1 material and course.
1) Here's the hub for all the course information: go.spanishlandschool.com/fall-home
That is the link where you will log in to access the platform. Make sure to sign in with the email you used to purchase the course.
I created a quick instructional video to get you going on the home screen. Take a few minutes to watch it before getting started with the material and then you can click into either the Intermediate or Advanced material based on your level.
If you get stuck along the way feel free to reach out. If you notice a technical issue let us know by emailing support@spanishlandschool.com.
2) Live Class: Please sign up for the webinar so that you get registered for all the 7 webinars. We did the best we could to set up the schedules in a way that it works for most of the people.
Sign up below according to your level:
**You should only need to signup one time and from then on out you will get reminders on Monday. Please make sure to sign up with one of the links above for today's class.
3) Facebook Group: As you already know, you will be part of our Facebook private group which is only for students.
Please request to be in the group here if you want to be a part of it. We will try and add you as well. Again, it is not mandatory to join.
4) Remember that you don't have to complete all the activities every day. Just do what you can manage each day and you can always come back to the material later to review or go through again.
*Some lessons are marked with an asterisk. Those ones are the ones we advise you to do first in case you just have time to complete a little bit of the material that week.
5) Google Drive Doc: We will use an editable document on Google docs for extra material and writing assignments, so it is very important that you have a Gmail account.
*If you don't have a Gmail account please create one and email me that Gmail address so I can share that document with you.
I look forward to seeing you guys on the first live class! We are so excited about this new journey with all of you guys!
Un abrazo,
Week 1 - Material
Week 2 - Material
Week 3 - Material
Week 4 - Material
Week 5 - Material
Week 6 - Material
Week 7 - Material
Should you ever have any technical problems, please feel free to reach out at any time to Support@Spanishlandschool.com.
Nate and Andrea


7 Week Structure
Here's a look at the schedule and when the material will be released
Week 1

Released Sunday, October 22nd
Week 3

Released Sunday, November 5th
Week 5

Released Sunday, November 26th
Week 2

Released Sunday, October 29th
Week 4

Releases Sunday, November 12th
Week 6

Released Sunday, December 3rd

Week 7 - Final Review
Released Sunday, December 10th