Intermediate & Advanced Students

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Spanishland School

Welcome to the Spanish Intensive!


Week 1

Present Subjunctive vs. Indicative   

Week 2

Present Perfect Subjunctive

Week 3

Imperfect Subjunctive - Present Perfect

Week 4

Past Perfect Subjunctive & Por vs. Para

Week 5

Conditional Tenses

Week 6

If Clauses and Reported Speech

Week 7

General Review

We are so happy to have you as a student in the Spanish Intensive Course! I can't wait to see the progress that you make this semester.

There's a lot of things going on and quite a bit of material so this email is to give you all the instructions you need to get started with the week 1 material and course.

1) Here's the hub for all the course information

Make sure to sign in with the email you used to purchase the course.

I created a quick instructional video to get you going on the home screen. Take a few minutes to watch it before getting started with the material and then you can click into the material for week 1.

If you get stuck along the way feel free to reach out. If you notice a technical issue let us know by emailing

The material will be released week by week each Sunday.

2)    Live Class:

I will be signing you up for the 7 Monday live classes.  You will be receiving the replay automatically to your email and we will also save it on the platform.

You'll find it where it says "Live class..."

Here is the time for the live class: 7 pm EDT [5 pm PDT]

​You will get these reminders each Monday, but please let us know if you aren't getting them. 

3)    Facebook Group:

If you would like to be a part of the exclusive Spanish Intensive private Facebook group you can certainly do so.

Please request to be in the group here if you want to be a part of it.

It is not mandatory by any means. 

However, it's a great way to connect with your fellow students and I'll be doing periodic Facebook Lives and posting material throughout the week.

Feel free to ask any questions anytime. 

4)    Remember that you don’t have to complete all the activities every day!

Just do what you can manage each day and you can always come back to the material later to review or go through again.

*Some lessons are marked with an asterisk. 

Those ones are the ones we advise you to do first in case you just have time to complete a little bit of the material that week.

Un abrazo,


Nate & Andrea

Nate Alger


Andrea Alger


Should you ever have any technical problems, please feel free to reach out at any time to

You can now listen to all 14 episodes in a row from the first series Bajo el Sol del Verano (as well as a bonus episode from Andrea) here:

Should you ever have any technical problems, please feel free to reach out at any time to

Nate and Andrea

Nate Alger


Andrea Alger


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